good fuckin work.
All together it was awesome. Good job all of you, Favs (btw nice beginning screen)
good fuckin work.
All together it was awesome. Good job all of you, Favs (btw nice beginning screen)
Thank you so much! >:)
that was fucking awsome, good work guys, make some more.
Ryu_Animation- Your made me laugh like crazy xD
Pointless advertisment for yourself?
Poinless, You just posted this for another movie in your list of decent animations. Why? you showed no orginal work in this animation just imported some of the flash clips into a bigger screen, and wrote a bunch of crap NO ONE CARES ABOUT!. Go make some original flash. This doesnt deserve a high score. Your otherl work is good, now you're just getting lazy.
This is for school dude, I'm just looking for a little feedback here
Not bad
NemeToad is a bad ass, But you can use more animation. The talking parts in the beginning will make most people turn the flash of right there and there. The mouths dont even movie. The fights scenes were made nicely good work on that. Story is unique. Originality. Good work 3/5.
Work on art and more animation ( maybe make the lips movie when they talk )
yea, this will most likely be the only story driven one.. The majority of people don't like to read it... And it's boring to draw. I prefer combat!
Awsome style and graphics
Very good work, i know you didnt have the right ppg sounds but you did pretty well with that anyways. but whats with the abrupt ending? ppg 4 of 4 its over? no ending that sucks just Blossom getting smashed into the ground (=D) Make another one where they all die.
I ran out of time in the project and just didn't really feel like going on. I have something else i'm working on, you'll see.
Hey that was cool
U know it was short and some choppy animation, But that was funny so heres a 5! raising its score to 3.33! enjoy green =D.
Hehehe, why thank you :) Thank you very much. And yes, I am enjoying green quite nicely.
warhammer suks.
So does your mom... but do you see me complaining? Anyway, your review is ABUSIVE, so you'll probably be smashed to insignificant pieces with the missile of ABUSE that's incoming. Thanks for the half-review. I almost meant that... tee-hee!
Woah wtf is going on =P
So much shit happening Nice work. Great now my eyes hurt thats a lot! =) BTW: nice choice in song whats the name of that song again?
Ha ha, the name of the song is Techno Fun 5 (fixed), I got it from the Audio Portal.
I thought it was going to be some serious movie-_-
Still good work, You should make one where he actually fights someone not just falls of a building -_-.
Good: Art was beautiful
Good: The Music and the voices were good.
Bad: Story -_- ( there was none )
Bad: Length ( too short )
Everything else kicked ass, cant wait to see more of your work.
There was no story, so how was it bad...and length wise, well this was a one joke toon it's not supposed to be epic..I like the use of the word beautiful though, thanks mate
Joined on 1/28/04