A bunch of traced fight scenes from Brolly movie? Wonderful.
A bunch of traced fight scenes from Brolly movie? Wonderful.
You fucking stole this from JoinedArtists, BURN!
Ok i dont know what to think of this one.
Your last flash "Bushido Battle EX" WAS COMPLETELY TRACED FROM MOVIES AT wwwDOTJoinedartistsDOTcom. Saying that i dont know what to think of this flash, Was it also stolen im not sure, BUT i know some of the scenes when they are fighting are traced from the movie "Samurai X" When the guy cuts that guard into many pieces that is when Kenshins master cut the mercanery into many pieces, Exactly from the movie -_-. When that guy thrusts his blade into the guard and then used his hand to push it, THat was also traced from "Samurai X" And also when that guy gets his hand cut of and the blood starts bursting out, that is from the movie "-The Escape-" ( NANOKO STUDIOS MADE THIS) I dont really know what to say, Your last flash Bushido Battle Ex was COMPLETELY STOLEN so i dont know if you stole this or not. Well i hope you didnt, the only thing that i see that you made is the story line and the scenes where they are talking. I really do hope you didnt trace any of those things. Well good luck on your next flashes and dont steal anymore!
Pik..a..*bears steps on pikachu*
HAHA if this can make it on the front page.. there is hope for me yet. Good work!
WOAH!!! A 4.62!! the highest score on ng EVER
Dam you need your own tv series or sumtin. wonderful Job
I thought it was going to be some serious movie-_-
Still good work, You should make one where he actually fights someone not just falls of a building -_-.
Good: Art was beautiful
Good: The Music and the voices were good.
Bad: Story -_- ( there was none )
Bad: Length ( too short )
Everything else kicked ass, cant wait to see more of your work.
There was no story, so how was it bad...and length wise, well this was a one joke toon it's not supposed to be epic..I like the use of the word beautiful though, thanks mate
Pure Chi, DevilSheep, InsaneSimian, DarkGenic, were my personal favorites, But everyone elses kick ass also, All of you good work! Cant wait to see another one of these. And also perfect song. Ight ima go watch it again.
What can i say?
You know your flash kicks ass. Good work im looking forward to your next movies
Thank u, im making something really cool at the moment, check it out in a few weeks!
HAHAHA you rock, nothing else about it
Joined on 1/28/04